Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Elusive Free Drink

Comments: Hi, I love love love Chipotle. Back in Colorado, it served as a great study spot as well as a social rendezvous point.I am addicted to cheap caffeine. In Colorado, I always made use of the Student Drink. You can imagine my horror and dismay when I moved across country for an internship with Johns Hopkins this summer and picked my apartment online largely based on its proximity to the comfort of Colorado (ie Chipotle) to have the friendly register attendant give me the rejoinder of "We don't do student drinks" when I held out my ID. Also - my friend came to visit me, and she is serving our country in the Armed Forces, and they told her they do not do Military drinks as well. What's up? Where's the love in Maryland? Is the grace of free drinks for the aspiring and the serving a store by store policy and not corporate? Keep rockin. I won a shirt at the Hampden and Wadsworth spin the wheel pre-open party, and gave the shirt to my pregnant sister. My hope is that my niece will develop an affinity for Chipotle while in the womb, under the shirt.


Thank you for writing us! And unfortunately, sorry, whatever local discounts some of our restaurants do in whichever parts of the country are not always the same in other parts of the country, and most of our restaurants don't do any discounts at all. It's alas up to the individual restaurant to determine whether they need to discount drinks or anything like that. No offense to anyone, by any means, since we all love students, and we all appreciate the efforts of our armed forces to protect our country.

Joe StuppManager,
Duct Tape and PlungersChipotle