Friday, June 22, 2007

The hardest year.

I gained 40 pounds.
Had my average hours of sleep significantly reduced.
Botched two job interviews.
Failed another grant-attempt.
Thought about quitting.
Flirted with suicide.
Failed to get 1st place in a poster competition.
Lost touch with all my friends.
Picked up the habit of swearing.
Picked up the habit of taking the Lord's Name in vain.
Had 4 short films rejected (with harsh critique) from the DCshort film fest.
Spent Christmas eve in a Korean Airport.

And now I have it. I have the answer in my gmailbox. Whether or not I passed the first year exam.

In the spirit of all things sentimental and moments weighted: Come, check it with me.

No box, no pink slip. I'm in. I'm part of the club.

I did it.

And its the only thing I've done right in a year.