Thursday, December 20, 2007

My hydration plan

Over Christmas break, I want to get super hydrated. I used to be the king of hydration, lugging a gallon jug of water all over Hippie University's campus.

Now, it is nothing but Coke Zero and Cafe Americanos.

But, alas, the @$$holes at Gatorade don't think I'm an athlete.

225 lbs?

I'll get Big Baby on their case. Or Ogden.


Anonymous said...

Give me 15 minutes and an 8.5 French Cordis in your neck and you'll be so hydrated that Aqua Man will be making seductive advances toward you with his bedroom eyes.

Bruce said...

I always was frightened being your roommate. That's why I had to play the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge 80 times a day - to keep you away.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly alarmed by my comment previously. Partly because I can't believe I wrote it, but mostly because I don't remember doing it. I'll blame jet lag, but we all know that's not the problem.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the censorship habits that we picked up in the skit bleed over into your online life, my friend. We want the uncut version. It'll start innocently with the transparent "@$$hole", but next time you'll second guess a good joke.

Bruce said...

The censorship is due to the grandmother convention. She knows what "a" and "s" are, but with robotic straightforwardness does not comprehend "@" and "$".

Ah, to be born in the 1920's and have a Dust Bowl education...