Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Fruit Conquest

The city is great.

But, as Bible Scholars have noted, Adam and Eve did
not live in the city because there was no fruit in the
city. So, what did Adam and Eve do?

They took a shuttle to the Garden of Eden.

Thousands of years later, not much has
changed...except the Garden of Eden has now been
replaced by a ghetto Giant Food Stores.

I wanted to get lots of fruit on my arduous out of the
city once-a-week shopping trip, and thought how cool
it would be to report that I ate these mass quantities
of fruit during the week, partially due to the fact
that fruits are healthy (unless they contain
Knowledge, Eve - who are you laughing at, Adam?) and
partially due to the fact that fruits go bad if you do
not eat them quickly.

In one week, I have eaten:

2 containers of Blackberries
1 pint of Blueberries
3 Apples
2 lbs of Clementines
4 lbs of Grapes

Now I know a lot of you are wanting a question
answered that you feel you cannot ask, so let me
address it: Grapes in and of themselves are not a
laxative, but grapes in and of excess of four pounds

Oh, Blog, I wonder what shopping adventures await me
this week!

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