Monday, September 04, 2006

Hey, I just beat that horse buried 6 feet under deader than dead.

Some jokes are getting quite old, in my opinion.

Like jokes involving alcohol. It's only the easiest button to push. We all GET it. Drinking alcohol leads to getting drunk and doing dumb things. Like the classic is for someone to ask someone who is acting a little unusual,

"How many have you had?"


"What's in your glass!?!"

Also, given I've just run the gauntlet of orientation here at Charm City U, the joke or jab involving the concept of PhD programs being very lengthy is old hat. Like when a dean announces to a group of of entering students, some masters and some phd:

"Enjoy your time here - whether it be a year, or for the PhDs three, four, seven, ten, twenty, elventy billion."

[kind laughter from me, real laughter from those who think this is joke].

Like, I think this is way more funny (albeit more obscure):

Girl: Do you like veggies or fruit with your cottage cheese?
ft: Fruit.
Girl: I figured you would.
ft: Is that a fat joke?

[this is funny because my bmi > eleventy billion, and fruits contain fructose which
lends itself to spike insulin moreso than the typical veggie which means it aids in
fat storage...or the angle of her making a fat joke when unprovoked, since she
is a very very nice girl.]

Or this:

Vivacious Lady: [talking to group of incoming students at meet and greet]: Fantasticterrific, what's the matter? You're so quiet.
ft: [beat] I'm the strong and silent type.

[this brought the house down. It got me invited to a party. However, at the party, it was Yale and Stanford boys club with stories about undergrad wastedness ("I drank a tequila, chased with a double tequila, and that really f###ed me up! [raucous laugther, because things that are obvious are really hilarious] )and being privileged ("I flew home to India to get my hair cut and eat a bigmac on the back of a skinny cow before the winter formal. 1st class. Daddy bought me two seats so I could stretch out. I drank for two as well, and that really f###ed me up! [raucous laughter, because things that are obvious are hilarious])).

Sidenotes of note:

Caramel flavored cream in Oreos: Yes.
Vanilla Frosties courtesy of equal opportunity loving Wendy's: Mind blowing.

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